Many folks carry a trowel such as the (Suluk, Gossamer Gear or Vargo models below) for hygiene, to construct drain lines around their tent or as a survival water source digging tool. Another good use they can be put to is as a secure tent peg in soft ground, sand or snow. Their traction can also be re-inforced by burying them and/or piling stones on top. Four uses is great for one tool which weighs from half an ounce (15 grams).They can also be used to drag some hot coals out from your fire for simmering your night meal on your
Gossamer Gear Deuce of Spades Trowel
Vargo Titanium Trowel – has a serrated edge for sawing through tree roots!
Suluk Titanium Trowel.
Tip: If you are digging through hard stuff it may be easier going if you reverse the trowel as the handle end is narrower than the other end. Take your time. This is an ultralight digging instrument, not a military grade shovel.If you are digging for water as a survival source eg for a ‘lens’ in a low spot behind the dunes, or on a dry river bend, you might be digging for some time. The water could be up to 2 metres down (though you will hope not).
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