Yes, it will! Try it yourself right now! This is a summary of the ‘McKenzie Method’. Try this before you let anyone cut into you! I have just had a laminectomy which has ‘gone wrong’. I should have stuck with this (and the instructions below) The 2/3 junction which had a disc bulge has been ‘decompressed’ successfully but that has transferred the pain to a misalignment (I did not have before) at the ¾ junction (which I thought ‘cured’ by an earlier operation) and which is impacting several nerves and producing exquisite agony – much worse than the original disc bulge which had very nearly got better before the operation – but I feared it would ‘slip’ again sometime when I was in the wilderness. (We all make mistakes – there is no sense regretting them), so that I wish I had discovered this method before surgery as I would then (certainly) have been able to cure myself. Nonetheless you have to move on. My parents would have said, ‘Grin and bear it’ or ‘Be a man’ – and they were right. Lesson #101 in the ‘School of Hard Knocks’ teaches that when you fall off your bicycle (or your horse when I attended) you have to get right back on again. So, here I go…
Interlude: My all-time favourite song: Je Ne Regret Rien – I Regret Nothing by Edith Piaf: Do press the “Play’ button as you read on.
It always makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. There are better (sound only) reproductions, but I like to see Piaf.
French | English |
Non, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rienNi le bien qu’on me fait Ni le mal, tout ça m’est bien égaleNon, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rienC’est payé, balayé, oublié Je m’en fou de passéAvec mes souvenirs J’ai allumé le feuMes chagrins, mes plaisirs Je n’ai plus besoin d’euxBalayé les amours Avec leur trémolosBalayé pour toujours Je repars à zéroNon, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rienNi le bien qu’on me fait Ni le mal, tout ça m’est bien égaleNon, rien de rien Non, je ne regrette rienCar ma vie, car mes joies Aujourd’hui… ça commence avec toi! | No, absolutely nothing No, I regret nothingNot the good things that have happened Nor the bad, it’s all the same to meNo, absolutely nothing No, I regret nothingIt’s paid, swept away, forgotten I don’t care about the past!I set fire To my memoriesMy troubles, my pleasures I don’t need them anymoreI’ve swept away past loves With their tremblingSwept away forever I’m starting overNo, absolutely nothing No, I regret nothingNot the good things that have happened Nor the bad, it’s all the same to meNo, absolutely nothing No, I regret nothingBecause my life, because my joy Today… it begins with you! |
To continue:
Now I may need spinal fusion if the McKenzie method does not work for me – so wish me luck! However, I can report even on Day Two of beginning it that I can now control the pain and banish it for extended periods of time (minutes-hours). The pain is also slowly moving inwards (from my legs) towards the centre of my back. McKenzie claims it will slowly do that, and then vanish. I certainly hope so. I think it is worth a shot if you have back pain. The first two/three exercises definitely banish the pain for a time, so they are worth trying for that reason alone. I can walk about a kilometre before I have to stop to perform them. My usual afternoon walk is now taking at least twice as long. The dogs are annoyed.
I bought the book in ebook from from Amazon for US$11.99: I downloaded the book. It then appears in a new place on your computer, (hard to find) something Like this: ‘C:\Users\Steve\Documents\My Kindle Content’/B006LQICE8_EBOK You will see what I mean.
If you download a programme called: (open it and install it – Norton will tell you it is safe) you can remove the proprietary ‘drm’ protection from any Amazon Kindle book, so it can be copied – which is what I did (Easy). Then you can convert it into epub or pdf form (with the same programme) so it can be read or even printed out. Obviously you save the converted copy in an appropriate file.
Then you can copy it to your phone and read it eg with the Coolreader App (epub) or (I use) the qPDF Viewer App – if you prefer Pdf. You can print out sections – like the exercises (I have) and eg highlight the important bits you want to remember. I think you should.
Additionally you could ‘lend’ it to a friend who also had a bad back, though this might break copyright, even if you have made a printed copy – I don’t know. I do know that I have a friend who has a bad back and very little money – or computer savvy – such that if I were to help him with this book I would have to buy/make him a printed copy…
Another great thing you can do about your back pain. This helps preserve your ‘lordosis’ (the forward curve of your lower back). Buy one/some of these Ikea chairs. They are just great. Nothing soothes my back so much as sitting in them for a while. I think I would have almost died without them on the verandah. I also have a rocker in the lounge: Ikea Poang Armchair ($A99- Oct 2018): or Pello ($A69-Oct 2018) (Delivery $A9) Poang Rocker ($A199 – Oct 2018):
Here is a summary of the exercises, a sort of ‘try before you buy’ – but I recommend you buy the book:
McKenzie Method Simple Instructions:
‘Exercise 1: Lying face down
Lie face down with your arms beside your body and your head turned to one side.
Stay in this position, take a few deep breaths, and then relax completely for two or three minutes. Start each session with this exercise. Repeat the sessions about every two hours. In addition, you may lie face down whenever you are resting.
Exercise 2: Lying face down in extension
Remain lying face down, place your elbows under your shoulders so that you lean on your forearms
Allow the muscles in the low back, hips and legs to relax completely. Remain in this position for two to three minutes.
Exercise 3: Extension in lying
(This is also the most useful and effective first-aid procedure in the treatment of acute low back pain The exercise can also be used to treat stiffness).
Remain lying face down. Place your hands under your shoulders in the press-up position Now you are ready to begin as you straighten your elbows, push the top half of your body up as far as pain permits
(PS: I will get better photos when Della is home from her crafting conference)
It is important that you completely relax the pelvis, hips and legs as you do this, and remember to keep breathing. Maintain this position for a second or two, then lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat this movement cycle in a smooth rhythmical motion and try to raise your upper body a little higher each time, so that in the end your back is extended as much as possible, with your arms as straight as possible. Once your arms are straight, remember to hold the sag for a second or two as this is the most important part of the exercise. The sag may be maintained for longer than one or two seconds if you feel the pain is reducing or centralising. Never be satisfied that you have moved as far as possible. Say to yourself each time you push up, “Further, further, further”. Perform this exercise ten times per session.
Emergency Panic Page
In case of a sudden onset of acute pain, carry out the following instructions:
- Immediately lie face down (if this is impossible because of pain intensity, go to bed and attempt exercises the next day).
- If absolutely necessary, rest for two days maximum, correctly supported.
- Use The Original McKenzie® Night Roll around your waist when resting in bed. (You can use a piece of sponge rubber or a rolled towel if you do not have a ‘Night Roll’. Aside: I have found a pillow under the knees (but none under the head) works for me.).
- Perform Exercises 1 and 2 once, and then 3 ten times Repeat this sequence every two hours during your waking hours.
- If the pain is more to one side and not reducing, move hips away from the painful side (3-4″ – 7.5-10 cm) and do Exercises 2 and 3.
- Avoid all movements that aggravate symptoms.
- Do not slouch or bend forward for three to four days.
- Use The Original McKenzie® lumbar roll for support when sitting. (Something soft in the lumbar region – there are things like this in $2 stores I find work well)
- Maintain perfect posture at all times.’
- There are more exercises (and advice) If the above works for you, buy the book. Good luck!
PS: If you enjoyed that Piaf song, try ‘La Vie en Rose’ which was my parents-in-law’s favourite song – and is inscribed on their grave:
La Vie en Rose:
French | English |
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche Voila le portrait sans retouches De l’homme auquel j’appartiensQuand il me prend dans ses bras Il me parle l’a tout bas Je vois la vie en roseIl me dit des mots d’amour Des mots de tous les jours Et ça m’ fait quelque choseIl est entré dans mon coeur Une part de bonheur Dont je connais la causeC’est lui pour moi Moi pour lui dans la vie Il me l’a dit, l’a jure pour la vieEt, dès que je l’aperçois Alors je sens en moi Mon coeur qui batDes nuits d’amour à plus en finir Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place Les ennuis, les chagrins, s’effacent Heureux, heureux à mourirQuand il me prend dans ses bras Il me parle tout bas Je vois la vie en roseIl me dit des mots d’amour Des mots de tout les jours Et ça m’ fait quelque choseIl est entré dans mon coeur Une part de bonheur Dont je connais la causeC’est lui pour moi Moi pour lui dans la vie Il me l’a dit, l’a jure pour la vieEt, dès que je l’apercois Alors je sens en moi Mon coeur qui batLalalala, lalalala La, la, la, la | A gaze that make me lower my own A laugh that is lost on his lips – That is the unretouched portrait Of the man to whom I belongWhen he takes me into his arms He speaks to me softly And I see life through rose-colored glassesHe speaks words of love to me They are every day words And they do something to meHe has entered into my heart A bit of happiness That I know the cause ofIt’s only him for me And me for him, for life He told me, he swore to me, for lifeAs soon as I notice him I feel inside me My heart beatingEndless nights of love Bring great happiness The pain and bothers fade away Happy, so happy I could dieWhen he takes me into his arms He speaks to me softly And I see life through rose-colored glassesHe speaks words of love to me They are every day words And they do something to meHe has entered into my heart A bit of happiness That I know the cause ofIt’s only him for me And me for him, for life He told me, he swore to me, for lifeAs soon as I notice him I feel inside me My heart beatingLalalala, lalalala La, la, la, la |
A truly beautiful love song. I can feel why it meant so much to them.
Edith had a very hard short life. She died from multiple illnesses aged 48 in 1963, about when I first discovered her wonderful song, ‘Milord’ when others teenagers were listening to Elvis. Nuts! Piaf was so much better:
See Also:
PS: McKenzie also has a treatment for knees and etc (Try Google).
For example here is a video about knees:
See Also:

This is really interesting to read. Both my partner and I have suffered from back problems for many years. The doctor’s response is always painkillers, which I believe only masks the problem and treats just one symptom- the pain. It doesn’t solve the underlying cause. I am going to show this article to my partner when he gets home. I was also interested to discover on scrolling down the page that there is also a technique for knee pain. This is something that I also suffer from and think it is connected to my back problems. Sometimes I can walk for miles with no problems and other times I can’t walk across the bedroom. I will be checking out more about these techniques. Thanks for the info.
Good luck Liz.