Woodchopping Tip
Woodchopping: A tip I learned from Col Francis: don’t cut the block as you would a tomato or an orange; peel it like an onion: ie: work your way in from the outside…
Woodchopping: A tip I learned from Col Francis: don’t cut the block as you would a tomato or an orange; peel it like an onion: ie: work your way in from the outside…
I have been thinking about my Tyvek tent designs again: I believe I can now make an approx 6 foot high, zero condensation ‘fire’ tent for 2-4 people which will weigh under one kilo including floor and zipperless mosquito netting and which will set up against a tree or with the aid of a hiking
I don’t know whether I posted a report on my Six Moon Designs Dyneema pack, the Swift – which I think my wife gave me earlier for Xmas. It has proved wonderfully comfortable and durable. It would be hard to beat in a 428 gram pack (at $110!). I switched the waist belt for a single one
Went hiking with my son Bryn’s little dog, Tiny. Expected to be out all week but unfortunately hurt my back so limped home. Here we see Tiny on her special hiking bed helping herself to some dog nuts and her caching some for later, just in case.
Hunting about near Bruthen on Sunday with my boys (Matt & Bryn): a beautiful sunny day. Too bad the wet summers have thickened the bush up so much you can’t even see the deer (though I heard lots). A beautiful sunny spring day: the wild fuschia, normally a vapid drab was a riot of scarlet
Back from four days’ hiking in Wonnangatta-Moroka area with a young American friend, Steve Hutcheson whom I met on the Dusky Track earlier this year: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-friend-i-met-on-the-dusky-track-fiordland-nz/ The rivers were flooded and difficult to cross but the weather beautiful. Probably sub-zero of a night but warm and comfy for us thanks to my Tyvek tarps and
I have been hiking in Fiordland NZ for ten days and have now returned ‘bowed but unbeaten.’ Met some great young people on the trail (and some not-so-great) and saw, as usual quite a lot of evidence for the continuing existence of moose there. I will post a photo of the best toilet view in
I am currently trying Ainsley Harriott’s Southern Cajun Gumbo Cup of Soup for breakfast. Yum! Some people ask what food I take hiking. This is too hard a question for ONE post but here’s a tip which also works well for a snack or lunch. Combine a sachet of 2 minute noodles sans flavour sachet
Back from the bush after seeing MANY deer. Four beautiful days of fine weather and camping out. On the last day I walked out 20-25km of rough bush walking in 8.5 hours which I consider pretty good going for an old bloke. My new stove worked a treat http://packafeather.com/. It will simmer @ 1ml/minute –
14/08/2011: Just to lighten up a bit, you might want to bookmark this one. Knots are very handy and this site shows how to tie them easily. There MAY be a hangman’s noose there as well, which could be handy in this political climate: http://www.animatedknots.com/