Woodchopping Tip
Woodchopping: A tip I learned from Col Francis: don’t cut the block as you would a tomato or an orange; peel it like an onion: ie: work your way in from the outside…
Woodchopping: A tip I learned from Col Francis: don’t cut the block as you would a tomato or an orange; peel it like an onion: ie: work your way in from the outside…
Spent a pleasant day yesterday white-water canoeing on the Thomson River with Simon Schutte testing out the new back and the new and old Alpacka (TM) pack rafts: definitely recommended gear, company, leisure activity…
My new (fortieth anniversary) Alpacka pack raft has arrived. I am very keen to try it out. Perhaps this Saturday, weather and back permitting… Here it is much later on the Seaforth River Fiordland New Zealand. See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/dusky-track-canoeing-the-seaforth/ https://www.alpackaraft.com/index.cfm/store.catalog?CategoryID=53&ProductID=66
I now need one of these devices to aid me in my solo pack rafting: http://www.amazon.com/Motorcycle-Trailer-Carrier-Hauler-Towing/dp/B005XDM0XO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1361789812&sr=8-1&keywords=Motorcycle+Towing+Cradle PS: I did buy one and I have used it many times. Nonetheless I am going to make a better one of my own.
We got our camper from http://www.fourwheelcampers.com/ in California sometime back. We have been away in it a few times and found it brilliant (especially the bed). The gas fridge keeps everything nice and cold. We have a space heater and a water heater with an outside shower. We may add a rooftop solar panel to supplement the
I was going to treat myself to a new canoe to celebrate my successful back operation this Saturday (you have to be optimistic) and so was going to purchase an Alpacka raft (https://www.alpackaraft.com/index.cfm/store.catalog?CategoryID=53&ProductID=66) with which I plan to tackle the Snowy as soon as I am recovered – probably alone, as Della’s eyesight won’t let
In answer to a comment: The best canoe shop undoubtedly is ‘Capacity Sports’ in Bay Rd near Westfield Southland. No-one locally has much. There are many to chose from, but also many that are not very good. I think you should borrow a couple of ours first (we have a variety). No-one much has improved
We bought a tray back camper from fourwheelcampers.com in California sometime back. We have just been away in it and found it brilliant (especially the bed). The gas fridge kept everything nice and cold. We have a space heater and a water heater with an outside shower. We may add a rooftop solar panel to
Only 13 Kilograms! Now available in Oz: Velcro on a silnylon skirt and THIS could be just about the perfect one-person touring white water canoe: http://www.oldtowncanoe.com.au/canoes/packangler.html, and now that Della needs to be paddled http://www.theultralighthiker.com/pack-raft-saves-the-day/ THIS could be our new two-person touring canoe for flat water and moderate rapids. Can easily see us spending a leisurely
I have been thinking about my Tyvek tent designs again: I believe I can now make an approx 6 foot high, zero condensation ‘fire’ tent for 2-4 people which will weigh under one kilo including floor and zipperless mosquito netting and which will set up against a tree or with the aid of a hiking