
The Lure of the Moose:

O, the enchantments of Fiordland: Time and again I have been drawn back to this lush green Eden questing after one of these surviving prehistoric giants, which though sundered from their ancient homeland in the vast boreal forests of the North, still linger there today. For me it is a tale which began when I

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Wilderness Exploration

I have always loved Shelley’s poem ‘Ozymandias’ which showcases the futility of Pharaoh Rameses’ efforts to secure his immortality. Many people these days are obsessed with mankind’s (supposed) destruction of nature, an observation which I do not wholly disagree with, but nature has a way of coming roaring back, all but obliterating mankind’s works. For

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The Seventieth Birthday Platypus

Five years flies by very quickly (when you are having fun). I had hoped that this post would be titled ‘The Seventieth Birthday Stag’ but he did not emerge from his lair during my recent sojourn up the bush to check how my hunting camps had fared from the terrible bush fires of earlier this

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