As one of us was a year older, we took the day off for a leisurely stroll on this lovely nearby walking/riding track which stretches between the delightful Gippsland towns of Boolarra and Mirboo North.
You can park your car at the beginning of the trail between the Brewery and the Recreation Reserve in Mirboo North or at Railway Park, Boolarra opposite the Post Office and General Store. Beginning in Boolarra in the morning (after a coffee) means you can stop for lunch in Mirboo North, then walk back downhill refreshed. There are many food establishments in the main street; the hotel also has excellent counter meals. You can finish the day with a meal at one of several venues in Boolarra or at the excellent nearby Yinnar Community hotel – the only community owned hotel in Victoria!
Plenty of tucker:
There are many other interesting shops in Mirboo North including this one, The Wren’s Nest:
We are off!
You must:
Plenty of park benches and seats along the way for your dogs:
Lots of lovely wildflowers;
And other interesting things. Amazing what you could make out of bricks. Note the lovely fresh water approx 2 km from Mirboo North
Interesting (possibly luminous – some are) bracket fungi:
More wildflowers:
More interesting brickwork. Tiny enjoying herself:
Della and Spot exploring an underground tunnel:
Tea trees can put on a fine display:
Spot admired these lovely blue lilies:
A lovely trail:
This is the deadliest plant in Australia: the Dogwood. So many people are allergic to these blooms. We used to call them ‘wild sago’ in NSW when I was a boy:
You can rest a minute at lots of pleasant spots along the way. Spot doesn’t want to:
There are two interesting bridges like this across clear flowing streams where you could camp:
A lovely campsite:
It was a warm day. The dogs became thirsty:
Some fine timber;
An excellent stand:
More interesting brickwork:
Coming in to Boolarra (about 1 1/2 km out):
You start and end each of the trail with a beautiful park: Railway Park in Boolarra. And Baromi park in Mirboo North. Both are delightful spots to stop, rest and refresh. Both have nearby food establishments: the Bollarra General Store at one end and quite a number in Mirboo North including this wonderful bakery and this café to name just two.
Along the way every 3-4 km you can find good sources of fresh water and pleasant campsites off the track a bit. Of course in Australia (as elsewhere) all that is not compulsory is verboten; you should naturally ignore this. Maybe you are considering adding this lovely trail to perhaps a walking tour of South Gippsland including Mt Worth State park, the Grand Ridge Road (to Mirboo North), the Mirboo North Rail trail, The River Road Boolarra, maybe parts of the Grand Strzelecki Track, Tarra-Bulga National Parks, Great Southern Trail and Tarra Trail, Bass Coast Rail Trail, Old Port Trail, Wilsons Prom, , & etc…
The trail is about 13km. It takes approx 2 ½-31/2 hours on foot, or as I said at the beginning you can make a delightful day of it.
PS; The photos show the trail beginning at Mirboo North and ending in Boolarra.