There are a few essential knots (for hiking etc) some of which can save your life. A piece of string and the knowledge of how to form such an essential knot may be the ultimate ultralight ‘tool’. One such knot is the Taut Line Hitch or Midshipman’s Hitch (shown below). It is an adjustable knot which can be used to tighten the guy on your tent in the absence of a guy tensioning device (such as a clam cleat).
I find it particularly useful in association with a ‘tent safety anchor’ ie an additional length of guy used to secure the (first) tent peg against lifting, a strategy which is particularly appropriate in windy weather or when the ‘ground’ is loose as with sand/snow. Of course (in such cases) the judicious use of rocks (if available) or (buried) ‘ditty’ bags can create additional ‘purchase’.
The knot is just three simple half-hitches (basically) in a line. Their placing (and order) is critical. ‘Grog’ has an excellent (video) illustration. You should have (such) simple knot Apps on your phone to consult in case of emergency.
The knot can be easily slid up (or down) to perfectly adjust the ‘pitch’. It then stays in place.
Every ‘tree’ has many such emergency ‘pegs’ (growing upside-down) I hope you can see from the photograph how to ‘construct’ your own.
You should always have a length of (spare) cord – even enough to get you across a river. There are a number of ways where such an item of material (and the knowledge of how to use it) can save your life.
Another essential knot is the Bowline. which will not slip yet is easy to undo. It can be used to tie a hammock to a tree though the Hennessy Hitch should probably be used. These knots should be practiced until they are deeply learned and automatic.
See Also: