Further to yesterday’s post about the latter day ‘Wilderness family’, mayhap you have a yen to visit them in their refuge? You CAN walk all the way from the end of the road South of Haast ie Cascade River, down to & along the coast, past Gorge River, then chose to fly out from a number of points (eg Martins Bay), or continue up the Hollyford Track to the Milford Rd where you can be picked up by bus. These folk have (an expensive) guided tour, but I’m sure you could also do it yourself more cheaply: It is sometimes known as ‘The Forgotten Coast’, see video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=45&v=zRsDc1rcfrM & http://www.fiordlandcoastwalks.com/fiordland-guided-walks/haast-hollyford-coastal-walk-10-days