Particularly when track hiking (which I mostly avoid) I have found that I sometimes need to clear a small spot to erect my tent. Often the track times do not suit such retired folks as ourselves (and many other much younger people!) so that you find yourself needing to camp where there is no campsite, or this can happen for some other reason (flooded river, injury, etc). No doubt sometimes this is illegal, but on our recent Bartle Frère walk for example, it was not – and we did.
Nonetheless, it is often necessary, eg if you are walking the South Coast Track in Tasmania where there are far too few ‘official’ camp sites. Usually it is just a matter of removing a couple of very small branches or saplings to fit the tent in, surely something which should not trouble anyone. Of course I often carry a machete, and I have recommended these tools for eg canoe clearing, but on long hikes where I am really trying to shave weight I need something lighter which will still do this job when necessary.
Here is a selection of ideas ranked from heaviest to lightest:
160 grams: Felco 600 160mm Folding Saw: 160mm straight blade folding saw. Rust resistant hard chromed blade made from high quality steel. Impulse hardened teeth for long life. Comfortable non-slip handle. Cuts on pull stroke. Weight 161g:
The 120 grams: Fiskars Xtract Garden Saw is hard to beat, but still a lot to carry:
110 grams: The 15” ‘Little Buck’ is a folding ultralight buck saw which also take a bone saw blade if you are a hunter. It folds up into a small enough package to fit in your back pocket: .
71 grams: This guy has found a drywall saw with a plastic handle which weighs 71 grams (without blade protector):
30-100 grams: In this post I talk about making an improvised bow saw which weighs from a saw blade and a couple of split rings. You would need to add a blade protector:
48 grams: Buck saw blade cut down with light wooden handle (no blade protection):
Also see bottom of page:
18 grams: This guy has cut a pruning saw blade down. No handle, no blade protection:
34 grams: This is a Darlac mini folding pruning saw with a 3 ½” blade capable of cutting wood to approx 2”
8 grams: The Dermasafe ultralight saw at 8 grams is the lightest saw I have found, and might work in an emergency: You can replace the blade with a jig saw blade better suited to wood cutting as shown in the second photo:
I notice that the plastic clip from a stationery folder makes a near-perfect saw protector. The photos show a 1’ buck saw blade. A couple of rubber bands would secure this saw in your pack for speedy fabrication with a length of green wood. Deer hunters could substitute a bone saw blade for the buck saw blade shown.
NB The above object (ideal as a saw blade holder is known as a Report Cover Spine
I already own the Dermasafe but I will switch it. I am going to be buying the Darlac saw at 34 grams. I figure it as an ‘everyday carry’. The saving in weight by switching to the ultralight containers I wrote about recently will cover 8 grams of its weight. I am only ‘off’ about 18 grams once I subtract the Dermasafe. I’m sure I can find that saving somewhere.
The Darlac was recently on eBay for UK 6.95
PS: I would now add the excellent Uki Buck Saw at 127 grams with a 12″ blade to this list.
First Published: Oct 14, 2017
Update 1: I now have a DIY 31 gram 6″ pruning saw: How to Carry a Saw
Update 2: Coghlan’s Mini Sierra Saw at 41 grams – this is a little beauty. I usually carry it now. See Ultralight Tent Poles
Update 3: Please note Brian’s suggestion here at 3.9 oz:
Update 4: Paul’s suggestion the Bonsai Ikebana Saw US$23.95 (may 2024) on Amazon at 46 grams.
Update 5: Note my DIY Pruning Saw (approx 1 ounce/28 grams) in the post Ultralight Saw Experiments
NB Also the post DIY Ultimate Ultralight Saw

Hi steve
In this post on BPL forums
I provided some details on the saws that I made (some were derived from your posts!).
Scroll down in the BPL forum post to see my posts with pics and the outcomes of tests.
These days:
For hiking i carry either a coghlans pocket folding saw or a diy lightweight copy of the knifepoint using a repurposed saw blade from a busted SAK ( its an awesome tiny saw blade super sharp with little flex) in my pack/pocket, and
For basecamp, use either the orange fiskars you showed here or the folding version of the Uki buck saw carried in a diy homemade silylon scabbard.
Thank you for that input Craig. I’m sure other readers will appreciate it. Cheers, Steve.
I have just started my search for backpacking saws. Which of the saws listed is working best? I believe that weight loss is not as important if the saw does not cut well. I have been eyeing the Knife Pint Gear one. Do you know anything about it? Thank you.
Hi Alina, I had not encountered it but at nearly 4 oz and US$20 I think you would do better to make your own sub 1 oz one (as described here yourself or you could buy this 34 gram Coghlans one for $20 ( Cheers, Steve.
check out this one from
Thank you Brian. I have updated the post with your suggestion. Also please note this 41 gram saw I am currently using: Cheers, Steve.