Della: “Wow, what a birthday! I am feeling very spoiled by the lovely messages and comments from so many people yesterday. Thank you all for thinking of me and making me feel so special! I loved hearing from you, and will reply to you all individually today.
Some birthday pics here from yesterday: I spent a lovely day with Steve walking across the top of BawBaw from BawBaw village to Phillacks Sadle and back again (about 8-10 km). With the sudden appearance of summer weather, we figured it would be much cooler for walking up high, which was the case.

It is a delightfully easy track-walk amidst the spectacular snow-gums which are just shedding their bark to reveal gorgeous colours beneath. We had it all pretty much to ourselves: We passed only 5 or so other walkers during the 4 hours we spent there.”

One does not reveal a lady’s age but save to say we have been together now 52 wonderful years and have plans for many longer walks, here in the Victorian mountains and hopefully a return to Nepal and NZ next year too.

More photos here: Baw Baw to St Phillack
The walk is a side-trip of the wonderful Upper Yarra Track which is Australia’s oldest long-distance (hiking) track dating back to the C19th (officially 1907. (There is a link to my page about it in the Menu).
Our new masters have decided to rename sections of it (or ignore it altogether). There is now signage revealing it to be ‘The Great Walhalla Track’ and ‘The Alps Walking Track’ – all of which is an ignorance of history.
It is approximately an 8-day walk from Lilydale through to Moe (in my extended version which utilises public transport for those who don’t have cars) It is arguably better than anything you will find in Tasmania (or even NZ) and right on your back door.
There are separate sections which can be walked. I particularly enjoy the section from Block 10 Road to the Mushroom Rocks (about three days) which encompasses all of the delightful Baw Baw Plateau.
Another great (illegal) side trip involves exploring Victoria’s highest waterfall, the (Upper) Yarra Falls which used (before WW2) to be Victoria’s premier tourist attraction. It is still there as a challenge to the intrepid.
See Also: