You can spend a lovely two days walking from Mt Oberon Car park to Wilsons Prom Lighthouse and back staying in pretty plush accommodation at the lighthouse. The distances are considerable, but this way you only need to carry a daypack with emergency supplies, a bottle of wine to drink on the verandah at night etc, so the 19.1 km there via Telegraph Saddle and the slightly longer journey back via Little Waterloo Bay is quite ‘doable’.
If two retirees can do it, so can you! You can also (instead) take the slightly longer route from Tidal River via Oberon Bay (23.8 km). For details, bookings and pictures about the accommodation, see here:
Of course, if you can’t quite make those distances or if you want to camp out, there are campsites with water, etc at the Half Way Hut, Roaring Meg (about an hour from the lighthouse) and at Little Waterloo Bay (about half way back). You may notice an absence of Jack Russels in this post – too public a (banned) spot for them I’m afraid. The pictures lack something from their absence…
Heading off.
The Half Way hut (water and campground) along the telegraph Track.
Granite Tors and first view of Rodondo Island.
A ship sails past Rodondo Island which has been climbed (but not by me).
First view of Wilsons Prom.
Wilsons Prom buildings (detail).
Road from the docks to the lighthouse – interesting eagle rock.
The lighthouse keeper’s cottage (accommodation).
The leaning tower of Wilsons Prom.
Wilsons Prom’s resident wombat.
The beauties of Wisons Prom lighthouse.
Wilsons Prom sunset.
Wilsons Prom docks.
Interesting granite tors at the Prom.
Another view.
Leaving the Lighthouse.
View back towards the lighthouse from the Waterloo Bay track.
Last view of the lighthouse.
Lunch stop.
All the tracks are well made and maintained. Easy walking.
Many refreshing fern gullies along the Eastern side.
Little Waterloo Bay-
You could not wish for whiter sand or bluer water anywhere.
An Easter Island monument on the Way back to the Telegraph track.
See Also:
Published on: Mar 27, 2016