You will find many, many posts in this blog which mention hunting (particularly sambar deer hunting which has been a passion of mine for much of my adult life) but there are many more which are relevant to the art and skill of hunting.
I have been a hunter since I could walk over 70 years ago now as were several generations of my family before me. Hunting is a great good. It has been valued as such by most of the people who have ever lived for over a million years now. You can ‘deconstruct ‘ values all you like – it would be mighty strange indeed if they were wrong!
Some other posts which you might explore which are relevant to hunting are my many posts about woodslore and survival, my posts about DIY gear, some of my canoeing posts…often other posts contain anecdotes about hunting or relevant advice.
These posts will not be your ‘conventional’ hunting yarns with a dead critter at the end. While that might be the ‘end’ of hunting. It is only a small part of this great sport. They will very often be something quit different from what you are used to, but I hope you enjoy them.
Below I have gathered some snippets of just some of the hunting related posts in this blog for you to easily dip in to. There are many more if you scroll through my blog. You will no doubt find other things of interest as well.
Some of the posts only begin (or are part of ) a series, so be sure to dip into the many attached links too. The headings are a link to the post:
Ultralight Ultracheap Deer Hunting & A Ripping Yarn or Two
The Seventieth Birthday Platypus
I’ll Take the Low Road: Canoe Hunting
Not Quite Alone in the Wilderness
Superlight Hunting Pack: 193 Grams
Ultralight Hunting Daypack Update
Ultimate Blades for the Ultralight Hunter
Amazing Lives: Jim Corbett and the man-Eaters
A Lazy Man’s Guide to Hiking and Hunting
Responsible Sambar Deer Hunting
Ghost Shrimp and Other Small Fry
The Best Hiking/Hunting Shoe Ever
You Must Learn to Shoot Your Own Dog
What to include in a wilderness cache
Never Lose Your Hearing Aids Again
The wildlife seems to get wilder every day: Giant Echidnas & Other Strange Things
A taut string will act as a tripod or a gun rest
Hunting the Wonnangatta-Moroka