Which is how I would describe a Jack Russell. An excellent little dog – and if you haven’t got 1-2 lying around underfoot at your place well it is about time you did. They make an excellent hunting/hiking companion too and you don’t have to carry much food (about 100 grams/day) or other equipment to keep them going. Indeed if you don’t mind sharing your sleeping bag with them you won’t need an ultralight hot water bottle.
Honey & Spot’s news today: Four lovely Jack Russell puppies. Three girls and a boy. Here he is:: white with a fawn spot on his head. She was giving birth this morning as I did my Facebook posts about a metre from my computer. Parents and puppies doing well. We are allowed to sell them (vaccinated) in a couple of months time. PM us if you want to put your dibs on one.
Does the new litter meet with Spot’s approval? You betcha:
2 Days Old:
This is Honey and Spot’s second litter:
See Also:
I have had many adventures with these little guys, such as:
Not Quite Alone in the Wilderness
Spot’s DIY Ultralight Dog Sleeping Bag #2