While I was working on my post about Simmer Stoves I just could not resist ordering a couple of Tinny’s stoves. I have to admit to being a bit of a collector of these wonderful contraptions. It is true that there are Minibull stoves I don’t own, but time will probably take care of that!
It is very difficult to get clear photos of alcohol flames. I had to take over fifty snaps to get two that were this good – and I had to wait for night before I could do even this well. Both stoves have wonderful patterns both in full flame and simmer though, don’t you think?
The one on the left is the Gnomatic at 12 to 19 grams (with simmer lid) and US$15 and the one on the right is the Turbo Gnome at 12 to 20 grams (with simmer ring) and US$20. They arrived within a week. Freight to Australia was US$20. They are a great bargain.
Both have a rolled piece of carbon felt inside so they won’t spill even if you knock them over. They are easy to blow out when you want to stop cooking. You could reverse the bottom piece (as shown) on the Gnomatic to make a lid for it and hopefully contain some of the unburnt fuel.
You push the burner down on the Gnomatic and add the simmer ring to the Turbo to (instantly) achieve this result:
Of course you are going to have to add a pot stand or use something like a Caldera Cone to use them but they should give you many years of excellent trail food.
BTW:I prefer the Turbo Gnome to the Gnomatic as it is less likely to get jammed.
BTW 17/11/2020: Tinny’s website seems to be down. Rumour is he has retired. Sad. At the moment the choice is the Trail Designs 12:10 stove its simmer ring/s (https://www.traildesigns.com/products/simmer-ring). You will have to message them to get the order page for the stove as a stand alone. I am working on a DIY copy of the gnome stove. I will post about it soon. Then you can make your own. Cheers, Steve.
Update:(08/08/2021) Tinny is ow on Etsy. Many thanks to reader Bob Hope for this information: Tinny Trash on Etsy You can buy his Gnomes and much else besides there.
Important Update: For a truly wonderful ultralight cooking system you can pair one oof Tinny’s Gnomes with my Roll-Up Titanium Stove and Carbon Fibre Cosy See the post Mastery of Fire.
First Published: Jul 23, 2019
See Also:

*tactical dot
lol very interested in that DIY!
I will get onto it as soon as I can. Cheers, Steve.
How can I buy a gnomematic stove ?
Mini bull design web site is parked .
I have noticed that myself Johnny. Sad. At the moment the choice is the Trail Designs 12:10 stove its simmer ring/s (https://www.traildesigns.com/products/simmer-ring). You will have to message them to get the order page for the stove as a stand alone. I am working on a DIY copy of the gnome stove. I will post about it soon. Then you can make your own. Cheers, Steve.
Tinny is now on Etsy – “Gnome”,”Turbo Gnome”, “Gnomatic” & “Choke Hazard” alcohol stoves are available, along with simmer rings, pot stands and dry baking pots etc!
Web address for Tinnystrash —->>>> https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Tinnystrash
All the Best
Bob Hope
Thanks so much for that info Bob. Many people will benefit from this. I have added it to the post and moved the post up to the front of my page so people are (doubly) aware of this important information. Hope you have also read my post Mastery of Fire Cheers, Steve.
Tinny is now on Etsy @ https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Tinnystrash
Thanks again Bob.