The Wonnangatta-Mitchell is Victoria greatest river. It rises deep in a wonderful remote wilderness that is the heart of Gippsland and finally finishes (weeks later) at the amazing ‘Silt Jetties’ where it enters Lake King. It can be canoed (when there is sufficient water, ie approx 1.8 metres on the Waterford Gauge) from the Humffray River confluence at the base of the Wombat Spur, the beginning of the ‘Wonnangatta Station’ deep in the Alpine National Park. There are 14 easy days of delightful white water canoeing from there to the Glenaladale Bridge near Lindenow. From that bridge there is still an excellent week’s paddling on flat water to Lake King. Along its whole length there are vast opportunities for memorable camping – and other adventures.
This weekend there will be enough water to canoe it. You need to keep a ‘weather eye’ on the rainfall patterns and river heights. This post Canoeing the Wonnangatta, Catching the Wave will help you decide.
We have canoed most sections of it many times and I have previously posted about all of the white water sections. These posts begin with a pack rafting trip from the Humffray confluence to Eaglevale. We have also been down this section in Canadian canoes a number of times. That trip mostly through a serene remote forest far from tracks, roads, habitations etc takes at least two days but would be better enjoyed over three (or more). Here are my two posts about it:
Pack Rafting the Remote Wonnangatta
The Remote Wonnangatta Day Two
We have had other adventures in there such as:
You can easily spend three days on the section from eaglevale to the Kingwill Bridge. One recent summer we did There are also a number of opportunities to explore shorter sections of this part.
We have canoed the section downstream from the Kingwill Bridge to Black Snake Creek, thence to Hut Creek (Scorpion Track), and thence to the Rock of Gibraltar and Waterford numerous times beginning when our children were tiny tots over thirty years ago – and we are still enjoying it.
Kingwill Bridge to Meyers Flat
Kingwill Bridge to Black Snake Creek
Black Snake Creek to Hut Creek
The section downstream from Waterford is much more committing. You could do the run down to Angusvale in two long days but it is better over three. On the third day you encounter a few grade Three rapids including first the Surprise rapid. You will find it at the end of a long, still pool (as most such disasters occur. We portaged around it. there are a couple of others further down where discretion is the better part of valor. there is not much sense in a serious injury so far from help.
Waterford to Angusvale Day One
Ther are plenty of lovely spots to camp.
Waterford to Angusvale Day Two
Waterford to Angusvale Day Three
Again the section downstream from Angusvale is quite committing. You can take two days to the Den of Nargun (if you are pack rafting) but it would be a long way to carry canoes out. It is better to continue on for the third day and exit gracefully at the Glenaladale Bridge.
three whole weeks on a crystal clear river wholly within Victoria is pretty special. You would think it would be swarming with canoeists, but though we have canoed it many times we have never encountered another party. Perhaps we are just fortunate. I hope you enjoy your trips on it as much as we have enjoyed ours. I know that if you are there this weekend you may well see us.
Here are the links again in order: