My grandson Milo ‘intent’! I have raised or helped raise a tiny army of little hikers. Some advice: always move at the pace of the slowest ‘little hiker’. This is best achieved by having him/her out the front. Little hikers’ prefer to skip, dance or run than walk. (You also will benefit from changing your gait).
They are also particularly susceptible to ‘I Spy,’ ‘pick up sticks’ and ‘skipping stones’. Games of all sorts make life more fun no matter your age. Never forget the ‘little hiker’ in yourself! They will want to stop and look more than you usually do. The world is a newer place for them. It is a worthwhile trick for you to relearn too. There really is no reason to hurry. The journey is everything!
A jolly song will raise the spirits and keep them tramping happily along the trail. Here are some of Milo’s favourites: . If they begin to flag, grandad’s (any adult’s) shoulders are the best place to be, and a better view can be had up there.
Lightweight gear is specially important for tiny hikers. They can carry their own stuff, but keep it light and make it fun! For example, they will particularly enjoy lighting a fire. Knowing how to do so may save their lives one day, so do not stint on this game. A pack of marshmallows to roast on a stick might be a good thing to have in your pocket, apart from a cigarette lighter. PS: Always carry an umbrella. Rain is much more fun from under a roof!
Plenty of room for all in the Siligloo. Someone remembered to bring along a watermelon.
Della: ‘This week Steve has been putting the finishing touches to one of the ultralight tents he has been designing and making. Here is little Milo enjoying its aesthetic splendour in our garden while we were measuring and fitting its bathtub floor. (Thanks Merrin for the lovely pic!) Just some seam-sealing to finish today before it is packed into its bag weighing only about 650 grams including stakes and guys. Made from waterproof silpoly and silnylon it will keep us dry in the roughest of weather: Looking forward to enjoying this delightfully backpackable home-away-from-home! Sadly the Milo-accessory is not included, but we have some far-flung destinations in mind! ‘
PS: This is my Siligloo Tent now with a bathtub floor. Here it is in use.