‘Zelph’ is clearly a genius (like Jim Woods who made the original of the Super Cat Stove – if you have not made one yet, do so today!). He has taken the ‘Super Cat’ to a whole new level – and I’m definitely impressed. I hit upon his website yesterday, saw that he doesn’t ship to Australia (You would have to use Shipito – recommended!) and decided I could not wait, so made one myself with what was available to me.
I only had some fibreglass matting for the wick (material would be better such as this from Bunnings – carbon felt would be better). Otherwise you only need three empty cans of the right diameter. You can see what I used. These were already in the cupboard, but if you hunt around in your local supermarket and particularly delicatessen) you will find three of the right size – then you are away! If you can find aluminium cans instead of steel, you will save a lot of weight.
I have since found three other cans which will work well: the larger size aluminium cat food can, Simmenthal (beef) 140 grams and the outside wall of a large size soft-drink can. They are all aluminium, so the weight will be considerably less. I will post weights when I have made one tomorrow = Total under 20 grams including fibreglass material. I bought the fibreglass woven material from Bunnings. Leaving a folded edge of fibreglass at the top works best. It wicks much better and the stove burns just beautifully.
You can buy one ready-made (and some other interesting stuff) from Zelph (with a simmer ring) for US$25: http://www.woodgaz-stove.com/fancee-feest-stove-and-simmer-ring.php
Two things I like so much about this stove. You can light it from the outside with the pot already on (if you dribble the last little bit of meths around the wick, so there is no fuel/heat wasted (or fingers burned!) Second, it burns in a really neat ring around the outside, giving a beautiful even heat. Third, you can blow it out. – from the side. Add a windscreen and you are good to go. The stove boiled a cup of water very quickly using about 7 ml of meths.
PS: The sizes of can I found are probably better than the (original dimensions of the Super Cat) as they are substantially wider, so providing a more secure support for your cooking pot.
The original cat food can = 2 5/8″ – 65mm
As shown in the photo above:
Inner Can = 2 15/16″ – 74 mm
Outer Can = 3″ – 76 mm
Simmer Can = 3 3/8″ – 86mm
My DIY stove (burner only) weighed 32 grams. It is a little heavier than the original, but it is also substantially better. Still the whole set-up is lighter than almost all canister stoves (and you don’t need the weight of the canister. I usually carry my meths in a Platypus bottle – a half litre is usually enough for me for a week’s trip!
‘Zelph’ also recommends you check out this stove making page – and he’s right: http://www.bplite.com/
You put an approx 1 1/4″ (30 mm) strip of wicking material in the space between the two cans. Obviously the inside can needs to have (four x 1/8″ in this case) holes drilled in it (or the bottom removed – it will be stronger and flatter for supporting your pot as is though).
Tip: If you glue the fibreglass wick material to the outside of the inside can (eg with a few ‘micro-dots of JB Weld or similar), you can lift it (the inside can) out to pour unused fuel back into your bottle from the outside can.
This can will make a simmer ring. You will need to cut it down until it is just the same height as the stove, then start putting holes around the top (start with four, add as required until you get a good simmer). A side cutting opener cuts it down to a perfect height. it adds about 13 grams to the set-up taking it to 45 grams.
‘Zelph’ has four quite large triangular openings, probably about 3/4″ on a side. I’m sure there is an aluminium can of the same dimensions which would reduce that weight a tad.
Only 32 Grams though! Not bad!
If you like videos, instructions here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AP1cO71oI4
Here is another brilliant idea from Zelphs. A rolled bulge on a pot so it sits in a Trail designs Cone without using tent stakes:
PS: I made another using the two (smaller) different sized aluminum cat food cans and the side wall of a large ‘V’ bottle for a simmer ring. It worked just as well. I think it may work even better if I source some carbon felt for my next build. The whole set-up weighed 18 grams!
Though I had two different sized cat food cans in the cupboards (leftovers from years ago – we do not own a cat) I was unable to buy the larger size aluminium can at the supermarket now, so I ordered some screw top tins from eBay (which cost maybe .50 each), so I was able to make this one which weighed 13 grams. Again the thing I really like about it is that you can light it from the outside with the pot already sitting on it (so no burnt fingers or wasted fuel):
See Also: