Just in case you really need an indestructible 93 litre pack which will carry 40 kg (100lb) plus a moose and weigh only 1.25 kg. Personally I couldn’t resist the photo. That (by the way) is an Alpacka pack raft, most likely the Fiord Explorer model, their ‘moose boat’! If you haven’t got one, you are seriously deprived.
Here for example are Della and I canoeing the Wonnagatta in ours: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/pack-rafting-the-wonnangatta-mitchell/
In a similar vein, if you are interested in moose hunting (in the Antipodes), you might enjoy this: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-lure-of-the-moose/
It does look a nice pack, doesn’t it?
Details here: https://seekoutside.com/divide-4500-ultralight-backpack/ usually US349 (Nov 2017) You need a Xmas present, surely?
Available on Massdrop this morning )12/11/2017) for US299 https://www.massdrop.com/buy/seek-outside-unaweep-divide?1=1&utm_placement=0&referer=EJ89BQ&mode=guest_open&utm_campaign=Automated%20Daily%20Promotional%202017-11-11&utm_source=SparkPost&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Daily%20Promotional&utm_content=1510397336979.968917496224031815359828
And Della really looks to be enjoying herself on the Wonnangatta, doesn’t she? We will do this again very soon:
See: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/pack-rafting-the-wonnangatta-mitchell/