This is quite a milestone here at TheUltraLightHiker. I never imagined when I started this blog just over two years ago that I would be so loquacious, but there you go! There are over 5,000 pages about hiking and hunting etc here now for (I hope) your enjoyment! When I wrote my 900th post back in May I was just back from my walk on the fabulous Dusky Track in Fiordland, New Zealand , something which you must put on your ‘bucket list’ – and don’t wait until you are well over 50 before you do it for the first time as I did, as I don’t doubt you will want to repeat the experience as I have again this year (at just under 70!)
PS: You can ‘follow’ us with the link (bottom right), or if you ‘like’ our Facebook page here:
Most of the things which I planned to do since then have not been finished, but a number of others have been begun or achieved. Such is the nature of making plans really. For example, I have not completed the final version of my Deer Hunter’s Tent ( ) yet, but I was working on it yesterday and have calculated its final ‘roof’ weight at 200 grams material only in silnylon (100 in cuben!) – which is outstanding for a two person tent!
I am sure it will be complete before the end of the year, as will my final version of my Mini-Decagon tent which is probably a three person tent ( I only have a bit over an hour’s work to go on it really, so you can expect a post about it soon. I am pleased that the roof section weighs 375 grams!
However, I have pretty much completed my Pocket Poncho Tent which ( came in at 185 grams in silnylon. I have a little more work to do on the hood and on the storm flap. I also have an idea for converting it into a two person tent. I hope to finish the Bathtub Groundsheet Chair ( for it (and the Mini decagon) in the near future and to make them available to be purchased.
I think my Fire Umbrella should be a useful addition to dry, warm stress-free camping:
We have had a few ‘adventures’ in the meantime, including some hunting trips eg, &
And some interesting walks, eg:,,,, – a journey up Qld’s highest mountain, Mt Bartle Frere.
I have come up with some fishing ideas ( &, and some fine recipes, such as: &
As usual there have been some good survival ideas and practical advice:,,,,,, &
And heaps of ideas for ultralight gear and reviews, such as:,,,,,,
I put all my food idea into a single post: and my gear ‘inventions’ in a similar one:
Around the farm we have made some progress. The bottom dam is fixed, and the new pump house is up and working but still needs some finishing off. We have nearly a kilometer of new vermin-proof fence ( along our Northern boundary which is keeping a veritable plague of eastern grey kangaroos and common wombats at bay. Our neighbours are close to not being able to run any livestock at all due to the depredations of these ubiquitous pests. We have planted a lot of new trees and hope that there will be better than a hundred new ones growing before the end of the spring planting season. As usual we have concentrated solely on the useful and the beautiful. There will be plenty more food here for native birds, possums etc in the future though few of the trees we plant are themselves natives. We hope to complete the renewal of the boundary fence with fox-proof fencing over the next two years as we are tired of seeing our lambs go down the ravenous gullets of these vulpine marauders.
Over the next 100 posts I hope to be able to report on a canoe trip down the Wonnangatta from the Humffray to the Kingwell Bridge, and perhaps further down (when it becomes the Mitchell) from Angusvale down. I also hope to complete the section on the Latrobe I talked about from Noojee to Willow Grove. We hope to try a section of the Alps walking track and some walks in Wilsons Prom – and it goes on…

There’s a hell of a lot of great stuff in those 1,000 posts! Keep going … 🙂
Thank you so much Lawrie. I will try!