Or welded fabric construction. You too may not have encountered this newish method. My new shoes, the Topo Terraventure are made this way, and let me say they are excellent. There is not a seam in them to come undone or fray. I have by now walked several hundred kilometres in them (as has Della in hers) and they look as good as new – a post is on its way about them).
I have only recently learned that this method of construction is in fact readily available to the hobbyist, though it will be a little more difficult i know for most projects to get a good finish as compared with the trusty sewing machine.
This excellent video explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne2J01h1tZ0&spfreload=10
The tape makes it very easy to do. It is double sided, so you just pull off the backing and stick it to one side of the material to be joined, then you pull off the other backing and lay the other piece of material in place. The tape is mildly sticky both sides to allow this to be done, but it can be repositioned. Then you position the teflon sheet over the section to be welded (to prevent harming the material), get the iron up to the right temperature, then press firmly as you iron, and Voila! You have fully welded seam.
This would be a very good method for people to use who want to eg make one of my Tyvek tents but don’t have a sewing machine.
You need three things: a Custom Sealing Iron,Teflon Ironing Sheets and E-Z Steam 2 Tape.
I have ordered all three. I have a number of projects in mind which I had long ago conceived but did not have the ability to make, for example my inflatable ground sheet, inflatable mylar space blanket quilt and mylar vest. (I was minded to try contact adhesive – messy and perhaps not air/watertight) but I had put them in abeyance. Now I will be having a crack at them when the materials arrive and I find time, so you can expect to see some posts soonish…
PS: Unfortunately this does not work with silnylon! I suggest you buy just a small quantity from Spotlight to see whether it is appropriate for your project.
PPS and NB: But there is a tape which does work. It is called ‘pu seam sealing tape’ and you can buy it from Aliexpress & etc for around $3 for a 2o metre roll. See: Better Seam Sealing