My Top Gippsland Treasures. We do not ‘just happen’ to live in the most beautiful area of Australia (perhaps the world). We have had some part in that decision too, and have been working hard most of our lives to make it even more beautiful and to showcase its many allures to others.
My daughter set me the task of naming 10 of my favourite spots. It is really hard to narrow them down to such a small number, or to fit in with her codicil, ‘that anyone can visit’ – which leaves out so many, such as the wonderful ‘Surprise Rapid’ on the Wonnangatta/Mitchell:
Oh Well: I will begin with the first five:
Mushroom Rocks: From Moe drive through Erica towards the Thomson Dam. After about 10 km take the turnoff to the left marked Mt Erica, Mushroom Rocks. These outstanding granite tors are a pleasant ½ walk up a beautiful well-mainatained track. Continut along the Upper Yarra Walking Track ( to Warburton/Lilydale if you have a few days to spare.
Morwell River Falls: On the Monash Way heading South just before Boolarra, take the Morwell River Rd to the left. Follow it about 10 km to these beautiful falls on your right. It is a lovely we-made 1 km walk to view them. Check out the many other splendid sights along the way, epecially the East Branh. You can continue on to Tarra Bulga after you leave the falls.
Grand Stzelecki Track & Morwell Naational Park: Travelling South on Monash Way , 3 km out of Churchill take the Jeeralang Junction turnoff on your left. After 2 km the road crosses Billy’s Creek where there is a carpark. It is a delightful half hour walk up to the old water supply weir where (if you are there on approx Mothers Dy) you may see trout leaping 2 metres+ to clear them. Continue on another hour or two to a waterfall where you will often see platypus. You can continue on to the No 4 Rd (off Jeeeralang West Rd – five hours) or onwards to tarra Bulga.
Whisky Bay: At Wilsons Prom heading for Tidal River, Whisky Bay is on the right. These wonderful granite monoliths painted vividly with lichen are a delighful feature of this magical spot. Continue on to Tidal River/Mt Oberon then take a two day hike to the lighthouse and back (accommodation available from the Parks Office.
Mt Useful is 30 + km up McEvoys Track from Seaton (North of Heyfield). The road has many spectacular vistas and historical attractions. This was the first track giving access to Gippsland’s goldfields (Australia’s richest) on the mid C19th. It is a popular spot to visit for a look at some snow (as in the photograph), but on such occasions a $Wd or wheel chains would be needed. You can carry n to Woods Point, Licola or Jamieson.
So many more gems still to come…watch this space!