Ten delightful hours canoeing the beautiful Wonnangatta River from Kingwell Bridge to Waterford Bridge, as ‘we catch the wave’ http://www.theultralighthiker.com/canoeing-the-wonnangatta…/ (See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/pack-rafting-the-wonnang…/)
Spot and Tiny in a supervisory role.
The water is crystal clear.
Della is still a slalom champ!
A delightful, shady lunch stop.
In this section the river journeys for many hours through the most serene and beautiful forest you can imagine – and full of beautiful camping spots! More photos to follow. Here is a foretaste. Delightfully we have found at least one campsite here where our mobile phones and internet both work! I will post each section later as separate posts.
PS: We canoed the section Black Snake Creek to Hut Creek (Scorpion Track) at 1.73 on the Waterford gauge on 16/01/2017. We did not have to get out of the canoes. I feel it would still be canoeable and most enjoyable at 1.70.
See Also:
Section 1: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/wonnangatta-kingwell-bridge-to-black-snake-creek/
Section 2: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/wonnangatta-black-snake-to-hut-creek/
Section 3: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/wonnangatta-hut-creek-to-waterford-bridge/
For River Heights: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/canoeing-the-wonnangatta-catching-the-wave/