It’s so elevating to venture out for a delightful bit of snow sightseeing (as we did on Saturday) – the coldest June day on record apparently…after a warmer than usual autumn winter has now really hit. We are glad of a warm fire and a cosy bed these chilly nights. The Australian bush colours really seem to come alive with a scattering of snow to throw up its highlights as on these mountain ash saplings:
Or this tree fern:
The dogs enjoyed exploring it – with frequent leaps back into the car to rewarm their tootsies!
The drifts were quite deep in places. Della showing off her Montbell down jacket:
Spot warming up against my old Mountain Designs vest which fits me again!
We even came across some Yowie tracks! My footprint front left for contrast. As you can see this big guy’s pace was nearly five feet! See also: