If you worry about whether salami might/will spoil (some is marked as not requiring refrigeration – technically all should as this was the purpose of the preservation method, but …) Simmenthal Jelly With Sliced Beef 140 grams net (can 12 g) 413 kj (99 calories).
These cans are aluminium and extremely light. they can also be sued to make a really neat stove. Quite delicious. Some folks are apparently ‘addicted’ to this stuff: it takes not unlike a very good quality corned beef, but not salty. Add to meals or eat on Vita Wheat biscuits for lunch. Available most (Italian) delicatessens. (Pictured larger can).
I have tried the canned hams (Plumrose is quite good, but salty). Many other canned meats are not very appetising or too salty too (including canned chicken). Add this to your other (safe) long-life meats such as Hans Striker twiggies, and Hormel Real Bacon Pieces (http://www.theultralighthiker.com/hormel-real-bacon-pieces/), sachet (or canned tuna, etc.) for some much needed protein on the trail.
See also: