If Boone could do it, I can: ‘According to one story, in 1810 (at age 79) or later, Boone went with a group on a long hunt as far west as the Yellowstone River, a remarkable journey (from Missouri to Montana) at his age, if true. In 1816, a United States officer at Fort Osage, on the Missouri, wrote: We have been honored by a visit from Colonel Boone, the first settler of Kentucky; he lately spent two weeks with us…. He left this for the river Platt, some distance above. Col Boon is eighty-five years of age, five feet seven inches high, stoutly made, and active for one of his years; is still of vigorous mind, and is pretty well informed. He has taken part in all the wars of America, from before Braddock’s war to the present hour.’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Boone
Audobon Portrait at age 85!