This is Big Agnes Cyclone Chair which weighs only 170 grams. I always carry one of these. Have been doing so for nearly twenty years. You can make a comfy chair with it out of just about any pad. Today I use the Thermarest Neoair X-Lite Womens or the Big Agnes Insulated AXL Air. In the past I used their Insulated Air Core. It works with all of these any many others besides
I also use it to give structure to a frameless pack such as Gossamer Gear’s G4 or Gorilla (along with an Airbeam pad, It provides a dry seat which supports your (tired) back at the end of a long day and gets you 5-6” off the ground.
I have spent many hours sitting on mine eg in front of a cheery fire in my Tyvek shelters:
You should never sacrifice comfort for a few grams. A restful night’s sleep will make the miles go by that much easier next day.
PS: They ‘now’ have a new model of this wonderful chair (no doubt improved) and they have a wonderful new 3″ thick pad which weighs only 301 grams – summer use only.
PPS: If you have found this item is out of f stock everywhere you might try the Therm rest Trekker Chair which is twice the weight but the same basic principle and probably still lighter than whatever yo are doing right now.
Or you could try making one of my DIY options such as the Nano Chair #2 which weighs less than 50 grams.
First Published Nov 12, 2015
See also: