Emergency CB Radios: Lots of folk carry an Epirb. Some (like me) carry a Satellite Phone. Big bucks when your life/safety are the issue. If you are on a budget you might consider a Dual-band CB radio such as the Baofeng which can be bought for less than A$50 including a battery pack which takes 6 x AAs – in addition to its lithium battery (or you might power/charge it with something else you already carry). Around 200 grams, I know but you get (receive only) FM radio (For weather forecasts etc), a UHF radio with duplex which can access the Channel 5 emergency frequency (you can be pretty sure someone will be listening anywhere in Victoria at least – http://uhfcb.com.au/40-Channel-UHF-Infomation.php), and HF (ham radio) as well (for which you should have a licence) but which propagates wonderfully from more remote locations. It would be a good tool also for keeping in touch with other users on the trail. You can also buy a higher gain antenna for a few dollars more. A car kit is also available. For example: http://www.amazon.com/BaoFeng-UV-5R-Dual-Radio-Black/dp/B007H4VT7A or http://www.ebay.com/itm/BAOFENG-UV-5R-CTCSS-Dual-Band-Radio-Walkie-Talkies-Original-AA-Battery-Case-pack-/391219854780?hash=item5b16853dbc
See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/emergency-dial-112/
Note: You need less signal to send an SMS than a voice call: This may get a message out when other means will not.

I’ve been following your website for a long time now. Your posts are really informative. I do a lot of outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, outdoor survival and so on myself and i really appreciate all the work you put into your blog.
Having said that, i always have my mobile CB Radio with me while going into the wilds. It is a great feeling to just enjoy nature and staying in contact with friends via your radio.
Daki aka Daniel Kilian
Thank you Daniel. For extra safety and in more remote places you might also acquire https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2016/06/29/the-poor-mans-satellite-phone/ or similar. Cheers, Steve. Good luck with your adventuring.