05/04/2015: LURGI: This weekend I begin to know something of the man’s suffering as a misspent youth hanging around The Cross (like too many others today!) Della brought home the dreadful Lurgi from some crafty misadventure or another. She suffered with it most of last week taking to her bed until she finally (generously) imparted it to me too which has put paid to all my necessary farm preparations for our NZ hiking trip which may well be postponed for this autumn at least: at present neither of us would make a couple of kms let alone the nearly 100 we planned to walk!
05/04/2015: I am NOT so confident. I would have BOOKED this weekend. The rainfall forecast seems auspicious enough, but I still have a major job of work to do, then there is being well enough to walk 100km! I have found Southern Tasmanian rainfall plus approx two days good enough forSouthern NZ that I have not had my raincoat out of my pack there the last four trips! http://www.eldersweather.com.au/raindates.jsp I also find the NOAA’s 16 day rainfall forecase excellent: http://ready.arl.noaa.gov/READYcmet.php
And we did it: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/a-walk-in-fiordland/