I bought one of these mini picks for Della. The handle was a little short, so I cut it off and welded a longer one on (her length). I have been out in the paddock hoeing thistles with it (It weighs less than a kilogram) and it is just marvelous. I will get another and weld a slightly longer handle on it to better suit my height. Just used a length of light weight galvanized metal pipe. At A$55 (Jan 2018) it is a great tool. Just sharpened it up a bit with the angle grinder. Best thistle tool I have ever used! You can even swing it one-handed. http://www.minersden.com.au/walco-mini-pick ‘Mini pick ideal for gold fossicking. Handle Length: 40cm. Pick and Hoe Size: 23cm x 8cm. Weight: 796 grams’.
Another gift for her was this lightweight Fiskars shovel. It isn’t suited to heavy work such as digging postholes in hard ground. But it is great for turning the spoil in the veggie garden or planting out shrubs etc in moist garden soil. And it is light enough she enjoys using it! http://www.fiskars.com.au/products/gardening/shovels-spades/light-digging-spade-1019605 These are available at Bunnings A$42.58 (Jan 2018)
For light weight pruning these are hard to beat too. The 120 grams Fiskars Xtract Garden Saw. As you can see it telescopes and clips to your belt. A wonderful tool – also great for hiking. https://www.bunnings.com.au/fiskars-xtract-garden-saw_p3360611 These are also available at Bunnings. A$39.98 (Jan 2018)
Other light weight Fiskars tools. The rake would be my next purchase perhaps: http://www.fiskars.com.au/products/gardening/ranges/fiskars-light
You also really need the Gerber/Fiskars Brush Thinner Machete. It is lightweight (under 400 grams), and the hooked design means it really cuts instead of bouncing off. It will easily slash away hanging blackberries which nothing else will touch, but will also lop away 1″+ thick branches and trees with a single blow. It’s just great. Try to get the Gerber version which has a cordura sheath. Try a supplier in NZ if you can’t source one in Oz – otherwise you will have to go the route: Amazon > Shipito > Oz..
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