While you’re looking at ‘ruta locura’s’ web-site (Sp = crazy journey; I like!) you might notice their ‘Tenkara Trout Fly Rod Conversion’ for a hiking pole. Now that’s a good idea if you’re a keen fly fisher (as you ought be!): http://www.rutalocura.com/Tenkara.html
The Clarkii rod is a telescoping Tenkara fly rod that attaches to a Yana 2 or 3 piece trekking Pole upper creating an 11 foot long Tenkara rod. This system substitutes your trekking pole handle for the rod handle, saving weight and bulk. The Clarkii comes with the rod, rod sleeve, and hard sleeve protector, line is sold seperately. Go here http://www.tenkarausa.com for lines and other great information. Requires Yana poles for use.
See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/these-hiking-poles-are-wonderful/