I have a friend who swears by these. He claims enormously enhanced fishing/hunting success using them. I have certainly noticed that there are clear peaks in game activity; I have even noticed a relationship myself with the phases of the moon…perhaps it is time to give this theory a test? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solunar_theory) There are various websites you can go to to create/download tables for your area. Some are free, eg http://www.huntfishsport.com/web.aspx?cmd=calendar

Hi first time here was hunting a couple of weeks back i notice when I go out for a hunt at this time of year not much happening last week i was honked she run away honking three times sat at my same spot about 1 hrs later she come back i can here her just kerp honking over and over for some time then she took off some info would help thanks
It’s a pretty common experience any time of the year. This hind probably had a poddy with her – why she came back; it was fast asleep. A bit too hot for carting meat out of the bush; and the risk of fires. I usually canoe summers (https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2019/12/23/marvelous-mitchell-river-day-1/). Not much water left now, alas but you might still ‘catch the wave when it is safe: https://www.theultralighthiker.com/2017/01/11/canoeing-the-wonnangatta-catching-the-wave/. but the Upper Latrobe would be good and could use some clearing (Noojee to Willow Grove). Cheers, Steve.