‘‘Death, that hath suck’d the honey of thy breath
Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty’ (Romeo and Juliet).
Welcome home to our Rusty, the dusky lorikeet! You were our special, devoted clown, and have earned your ‘Forever Home’ with us. We will never again hear your voice saying ‘I love you’ and ‘Kiss Kiss’ or your trilling imitation of the sound of water from a tap, but your beauty has been wonderfully preserved by the skillful art of Hein’s Taxidermy, Port Albert. I know that resting in peace would not have suited you, so you are back with us, watching majestically over our daily chaos.’
Hein has done a beautiful job with him. We can recommend his services if you need some skillful taxidermy done:
He was such a wonderful companion in life though he was so fast-moving I regret we haven’t got more beautiful photographs of him. He is survived by his wife Goldy and his son, Rufus both of whom learned much of his repertoire from him. Every morning when we walk out the front door we are greeted by, ‘Hello. How are you?’ from their aviary on the verandah.
A Toast to Rusty:
Water play. You will have to imagine his cheerful water noise: ‘Diddle. Diddle Diddle.’
Celebrating the birth of his son, Rufus.
Enjoying a ‘Cupatea’ with Della.
Lord of all he surveyed.
Whispering ‘I love you’ in my ear.
Farewell to our Rusty, the dusky lorikeet. After roughly a decade of devotedly sharing his life with us, Rusty sickened a couple of days ago and despite veterinary care, crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. I can’t help but think that the crossing was alive with the joyous calls of his cousin rainbow lorikeets! Here are some tribute photos of our little wag: early years cavorting on the kitchen sink and mimicking the sound of water, my Photoshop fantasy piece of him done several years ago, and a watercolour portrait by Merrin. He will be missed by us all, especially his mate, Goldie, who is still calling out “Rusty”, and son, Rufus. A little bundle of joy has flown this world!’
Hein’s taxidermy, Port Albert.
PS: While you are in Port Albert take a walk on the Old Port Trail and enjoy some delicious fish and chips at the end of your walk: