Surprising Discovery: My own inner political correctness: I was just as surprised as you…I was chatting with a friend of my daughter’s at her soiree yesterday afternoon, sticking carefully to uncontentious topics (as you do) in this case gardening, something we have done since we were married (in 1973) when we dug up the tiny pocket-handkerchief front garden at our first home, 33 Chelmsford St Newtown to grow cabbages, peas & etc. Part of the ‘etc’ were some “lobelia’ as I remember, a favourite food of mountain gorillas, yet we were never troubled by them as I observed at the time…I was drinking a smoothie the friend had made for me from Della’s raspberries (delicious!)…Anyway, I was somewhat taken aback when my observation that we have been feasting on our own seasonal fruits: tamarillos, pepinos etc was greeted with the riposte that it was so ‘good’ to be ‘sustainable’. I have certainly never intended our horticulture to be politically correct. ‘Virtue is its own reward’ I have always thought. Note to self: Need to make more of an effort to shock!