You may not know that the tallest trees ever measured on earth were NOT Californian Redwoods, but Victorian Mountain Ash. The greatest of them was (maybe) the Cornthwaite Tree (near Thorpdale) which measured 114 metres -375’ (on the ground!). There is a 1/10 scale model on the site! Think of THAT! ‘The world’s tallest tree ever recorded was a fallen Eucalyptus regnans tree measured at 133m at Watts River, Victoria, in 1872 (Carder 1995). The tree, reported by William Ferguson, had a broken top and the entire tree was estimated to have once been over 500 feet (152 m) tall’. (
Locally (Latrobe Valley) these trees are worth a visit: the Ada Tree above Noojee (follow the signs on the New Turkey Spur Rd) and the Whitelaw Tree off the Upper Thomson Rd behind (North face) the Baw Baw Plateau. There are some very ‘nice’ specimens (of mountain ash) especially to be seen from the swing-bridge in (Tarra) Bulga National Parkat the other end (34 km) of our street! Some beautiful Antarctic Beech there too. Interesting pages about living tall Australian trees: & &