My wife Della’s new Xmas sleeping bag has arrived. I used to be such an advocate of Montbell’s Ultralight Superstretch Down Hugger #3, a minus 1C bag – mine (recently) washed weighs 738 grams in its compression bag on my scales; still a great bag. Della’s new Zpacks Medium, Regular, -7C weighs 499 grams in its compression sack – and it is 6C warmer – as well as being 240 grams lighter! Astonishing:

It seems sleeping bags are not an exact science.
My brand new Montbell down hugger #3 regular size weighs in @ 800 grams plus 30 grams of compression sack !
Yours Steve @ 738 grams freshly washed.
The advertised weight online is 687 grams. Not sure whether that’s with or without the compression sack.
Quite a variation.
However, if you unravel the bag further and remove the the silica gel pack, the bag comes in right on the money haha
I am a dill at times?
Thought you had the wrong bag there for a moment.
So did I.
Bag seems great, son will test tonight.
How do I order one of these and how much does it cost?
A Montbell bag or a Zpacks bag? In either case you will just have to Google them. Cheers, Steve.