THRILLING TALES #2: John Colter who was famous for his adventures with Lewis and Clark (see the 1955 movie ‘The Far Horizon’), for discovering Yellowstone, and for his famous ‘run’ of 240 kms pursued by murderous Blackfeet (used as the script for the movie ‘The Naked Prey’ 1966). His tale and that of the astonishing Hugh Glass (left for dead with horrific injuries after a bear attack and who crawled 320 kms with a broken leg to survive are both to be read in Zelazny’s excellent book ‘Wilderness’ available (Kindle) from Amazon. NB: You CAN download this from Amazon’s cloud, remove Amazon’s copy protection so you can read it on your own ebook reader, even convert it from .mobi to .epub (I did so yesterday). A great yarn. Glass’s story has also been made into an excellent film, ‘Man in the Wilderness’ 1971.