Right behind our home there are lots of forestry tracks where we usually go for a walk with the dogs of a late afternoon. This one (No 4 Road) is about 400 metres further up the mountain so it is much cooler on a 30C day like yesterday. Some shady spots we wondered whether we should have brought a coat. Spot is always keen to lead the way:
Amid majestic blue gums and mountain ash. It is 50” rainfall country up here, just a couple of km behind us.
He can get a long way ahead. He loves to flush the swamp wallabies. Fetch ‘em up, Spot. There are lots of tree ferns…Tiny is becoming thirsty.
Fortunately there are beautiful cool springs and runnels for the dogs (and us) to quench our thirst. Della leads the way.
There are some really beautiful sticks of timber. A couple of houses here.
Lots of wildflowers: daisies,
And more daisies. These ones are so shiny, like they’ve just been painted.
Even common vetch has a beauty all its own.
Perhaps we will go for another walk this afternoon. It’s very hard to decide…Only yesterday (03/06/2017) we saw three sambar deer on our afternoon walk.