Three years ago we started to see the odd deer print on our evening walks.
Then one day a fallow stag kindly donated me this nice antler.
Back in February when I was telling you about losing Tiny and the progress we were making with her ‘replacement’ Honey, I posted this snap to illustrate how cheeky the wallabies were becoming.
By March I was seeing stags.
Last week I was saw this little stag as I alighted from my car and was able to use him to illustrate a few points about stalking.
By today the deer were emulating the wallabies and were waiting for us to return to our car.
Isn’t it wonderful to live somewhere like Jeeralang where you can see so much wildlife just five minutes from home on your afternoon walks with the dogs?
Or they can be waiting for us on our front gate when we return home:
Like this Frogmouth
or, Hello Possums:
At home we keep planting lots of trees to attract them, and will be building more nest boxes for birds, possums and bats on our fence strainer posts, and elsewhere.