When clearing trails or small rivers such as the Tanjil and Latrobe, Fiskars Xtract Pruning Saw (available Bunnings: http://www.bunnings.com.au/fiskars-xtract-garden-saw-_p3360611) 120 grams & Fiskars/Gerber Brush Thinner Machete are excellent tools. The carabiner clip on the saw makes for very convenient stowage. The Gerber model of the machete has a cordura sheath which may be more convenient for hiking.Both are lightweight and their cutting edge is protected so that it does not damage you or the canoe. If more people took them along when exploring eg the Tanjil, Latrobe or Tyers Rivers, we would soon have many days more of excellent paddling. These rivers have good summer flows when many of the bigger rivers (eg Mitchell-Wonnangatta, Macalister etc) havebecome unnavigable –as is the case at this summer.
See also: http://www.theultralighthiker.com/the-worlds-greatest-machete/