If you have difficulty buying stuff online, check out http://www.shipito.com/ They are just great.
You can (for example) buy that stuff on Amazon (which has free US shipping but which they won’t send to Oz) and have Shipito forward it (very cheaply). We do this all the time.
We usually use Shipito’s cheapest freight rates – which are much better than anything you can get anywhere else. We have never had a single problem with them. We highly recommend this excellent service.
Some sites won’t even let you buy (eg http://www.montbell.us/ who have wonderful ultralight clothing, sleeping bags, etc), but you can buy them with Shipito’s wonderful Assisted Purchase Service. Give it a try.
BTW: This is the best sleeping bag: http://www.moontrail.com/montbell-ul-spiral-down-hugger-3-reg.php