This is great news. In the depth of Tasmania there is an Aussie Outfitter and cottage manufacturer who can supply a myriad of interesting stuff which you previously had to wait ages for from the US etc – and at a very reasonable price. I purchased some 1oz/yd2 silnylon (2,000 mm waterproofness) for my new poncho & tent project (details to follow soon) and some very elusive mitten hooks (same), all posted same day, but I will be going back for some of his 1.35oz/yd2 which has a waterproofness of 5300 mm for a tent floor! And many other things. Simon stocks a bewildering array of goodies (I was particularly interested in the ‘Dutchware’ range) and also manufactures various hiking must-haves (hammocks, tarps, quilts etc) and for all you non-sewers out there can sometimes find the time to do custom work, so talk to him! Check out his ‘Make Your Own Adventure’ blog and ‘DIY Guides’ which contain many useful patterns with instructions. Like me he is also one of those sensible folk who drive a Land Rover. Pictured one of his splendid Goshawk hammocks, just waiting for one of his wonderful Bettong tarps to complete it. Forget about your swag and try one of these: